Here are over 500 of my favorite woodturning links on Links Page 1 & 2. Any woodturners are welcome to link directly to these pages. If anyone has a woodturning link that they feel should be added to this page, please E-mail me. If you have arrived at this page by way of a direct link from another page and wish to return, please use your "BACK" button at the bottom of the page. All Reciprocal Links are appreciated.
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- Adirondack Woodturners
- Avalon Woodturning Guild - Newfoundland, Canada
- Avon & Bristol Woodturners
- Baltimore Area Turners
- Bay Area Woodturners Association
- Big Island Woodturners
- Bluewater Area Woodturners
- Calgary Woodturners
- Canadian Woodturners' Association
- Carolina Mountain Woodturners
- Central Coast Woodturners of CA
- Central Connecticut Woodturners Club
- Central New England Woodturners
- Central Ohio Woodturners
- Central Texas Woodturners
- Central New York Woodturners
- Cheshire & North Wales Woodturners Association
- Chicago Woodturners Home Page
- Dallas Area Woodturners
- Detroit Area Woodturners-AAW
- East Texas Woodturners' Association
- Fraser Valley Wooturners Guild
is located in Abbotsford, British Columbia, Canada.
- Georgia Association of Woodturners
- Greater Vancouver Woodturners Guild
(BC, Canada) Lower Mainland Chapter of AAW
- Gulf Coast Woodturners Association Houston, Texas
- Hampshire Woodturners Association
- Hawaii Woodworkers Guild
- Hawkes Bay Woodturners Guild
of New Zealand.
- High Peak Woodturners
- Honolulu Wood Turners
This a must see website. There are three gallery pages as well as links to members websites.
- Hill Country Turners
- Hunt County Woodturners
has about 50 members in the NE part of Texas about 50 miles from Dallas.
- Inland Woodturners
California, USA
- Irish Woodturners Guild
- Israel Association of Woodturners
- Johannesburg Woodturners - South Africa
- Kingston Woodturners
This is a new Chapter in Kingston, Ontario Canada
- L'Association des tourneurs sur bois du Qu�bec The Quebec Association of Woodturners
- Lehigh Valley Woodturners
- Long Island Woodturners
- Louisville Area Woodturners
- Michigan Association of Woodturners
- Mountaineer Woodturners
of West Virginia and Southeast Ohio
- New Jersey Woodturners
- NorCal Woodturners
- North Carolina Woodturners
- Northeastern Oklahoma Woodturners
This site is dedicated to sharing the excitement and joy of woodturning.
- Northwest Washington Woodturners
- Ohio Valley Woodturners Guild
- Olympic Peninsula Woodturners Washington (the State of) USA
- Palm Beach County Woodturners
- Peninsula Woodturners Guild
- Piedmont Triad Woodturners Association
meets in Greensboro, NC
- Pikes Peak WoodTurners
- The Association of Revolutionary Turners (A.R.T.)
meets once a month, usually on the 4th Thursday of the month at the Woodcraft store in Woburn, MA.
- Rocky Mountain Woodturners
- San Diego Woodturners
- Saskatchewan Woodworkers' Guild
- Sidney Woodturners Guild
- Smoky Mountain Woodturners
- South Puget Sound Chapter - American Association of Woodturners
- Tennessee Association of Woodturners
- The American Association of Woodturners
- The American Association of Woodturners - Local Chapter Web Sites
A complete list of Local Chapter Web Sites are maintained here.
- The Dutch Association of Woodturners
AKA Woodturning in the Haarlemmermeer. This is a must see website.
- The Association of Woodturners of Great Britain
- The Glendale Woodturners Guild
- The Northern Federation of Woodturning Clubs
The Federation primarily covers the northern part of England and Wales, but there are some affiliated clubs who are slightly further afield.
- Thousand Island Woodturners - Contact John Lunney at 315.686.2319 or dlunney@localnet.com
- Tidewater Turners of Virginia
- Valley Woodturners - Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
- West Bay Area Woodturners Society
- Western Cape Woodturners Association - South Africa
- Western New York Woodturners
- West Island Woodturners
Home of Montreal, Quebec, Canada Woodturners
- Woodturners of Northeastern Oklahoma
- Woodturners of North Texas
- Woodturners of St. Louis
- Woodturners Society of Queensland
- Approaching Art is the website of Mike Orr. He is a Woodturner from B.C., Canada. His creative work is shown online. A must see site.
- Architectural Turnings-newels, balusters, island legs
Architectural Turnings specializes in unique woodturnings for home and office. Their products include stair newels, balusters, kitchen island legs & Table legs.
- Ars Torno
Ars Torno (Turned Art) is the website of Jan Pranger from the Netherlands. Photographs of his work shown there. The text is Dutch. -
- Art Kraft Wood Products, Inc.
is the website of Austin Kliniske and his father. They have been in business for 24 years doing mostly commercial work. They have recently expanded to artistic one-of-a-kind pieces. It is worth while to take a look.
- Artistic Wood Designs
Denny Taylor shows his turnings and scroll saw work online.
- Artistic Woods by Ray Sandusky
- Artist in Wood
Jan van Tol, Enspijk, Netherlands
- Artistic Wood Turning - Custom Made Wood Art - Tom Dunne
- Art Liestman - Surface Enhanced Woodturning
- As the wood turns
Emory McLaughin shows and sells his turnings online here.
- Atle Walvag -
Atle is a Norwegian Woodturner. He shows his turnings online.
- A Turn for the Better - Kevin Miller
- Barry Cook Woodturning
Barry has been turning for 20 years. He does beautiful work and offers for sale online.
- Bear Limvere
Bear is Ute, Native American, with an interest in native dance, music, singing and woodturning. He has a nice online gallery and woodturning resource links as well as many Native American links.
- Biesanz Woodworks - Barry Biesanz, Costa Rica
- Bill Grumbine
- Bill Luce, Woodturner
- Bill Sullivan - Woodturner
- Bill's Workshop Notes - Bill Pounds
- BoWood Designs...
Bo Todd shows his woodturnings and furniture online.
- BnPWood - Brad Mularcik Woodturnings
- Bruce Leadbeatter
- Bodger's New Day - John W. McGaw
- Bonnie Klein's New Website
- Bowls by Barbara
Barbara Gill's Woodturnings
- Bowls by Charlie
Charlie Smith shows his work online.
- Brewsters Woodworking
Bruce White shows examples of his woodturning and woodworking online.
- Buckners Better-Bilt Bowls - John Buckner
- Carpe Lignum - Torne Lignum
Ruth Niles' website where she sells T-shirts, hats and mugs as well as shows many of her Woodturnings. Ruth is a professional woodturner.
- Casiac Woodturning Galleries
Jon Carlson uses stave construction to conserve wood. He shares his techniques online.
- Century Porch Post - Tim Scarrow Tim turns custom work on a very large lathe up to 20 ft. between centers.
- Chris Allen
Chris of Koa Wood Hawaii turns koa bowls and Koa gifts and has koa wood for sale online.
- Cindy Drozda ~ Woodturner
Cindy turns some beautiful items; this is a "must see" website!
- Claudio Stalling - Woodturning Art
- Craft House Mana This is a Japanese website that features woodturning, woodworking and fly fishing. Tadatoshi Manabe gives us a taste of woodturning in Japan.
- Creative Woodturning - Dave Bradsworth
- Creative Woodturnings by Howard - Howard Cutler
- Creative Woodturning by Jack Rogers
Jack shows and offers for sale wonderful examples of his work online. This is a "must see" site.
- Curtis Thompson - Woodturner 102
See Curtis' Turned Wood Hats
- Custom Wood Design
The Artistry and Craftmanship in Wood by Howard Lewin
- Cy Hutchinson
is a contemporary woodworker and woodturner from Barbados. He shows his work and offers it for sale online. His work is very well done and deserves a visit.
- Danish Woodworks
Turned Bowls by Lars Mikkelsen Lars sells his finely turned and pierced miniatures online
- Darrell Feltmate
Darrell has a very informative website, well worth visiting.
- Dave Jenkins
- Dave Worth woodturning
is based on the jurasic coastal county of Dorset, in the town of Blandford Forum. Dave has worked with wood all of his life, developing a passion for woodturning over 30 years ago. You can reguarly find Dave the Lathe out and about and the various craft shows and markets throughout Dorset and Hampshire.
- David Lutrick Woodturner
David shows many examples of his beautiful work online. Take a look at his work; you'll be happy that you did.
- Dave Regester Woodturning Workshop
- David Reed Smith
- Dennis Laider's Homepage
Dennis is a woodturner from Cape Town, South Africa.
- Denton Ford, Woodturner
Denton shows examples of his turnings online. He turns in Maitland, NS, Canada.
- Dick Gerard
Dick show his Bowls, Platters, Vessels, Plates and Unique Decorative (Artistic) Turnings online and offers them for sale.
Woodturner and maker of fine functional, artistic and one of a kind woodturnings. Suitable for commissions, private collections and gifts.
- Dirk M�ller
is a woodturner of German origin now turning in Portugal. There are examples of his work on his website. You can use Google Translate to translate this page.
- Distinctive Woodturnings
by Kurt Hertzog
Kurt is a professional turner with many years of experience and is located in Henrietta, New York, USA. He is a demonstrator and teaches classes at many venues. His gallery pages show many exemple of his woodturnings. This is a must see website.
- Doc Green Woodturning Site
Doc show his methods, tips, and techniques for turning wood on a lathe. There are also dozens of written articles with hundreds of photographs and diagrams.
- Donald Derry
Don turns absolutely beautiful, pieces. This is a "must see" site!
- Don White Woodturning Courses
Don shows examples of his work as well as offering woodturning courses on this UK website.
- Eduardo Sarmiento
Eduardo is a professional woodturner from Peru with over 15 years experience. He turnes on a large home fabricated lathe and specializes in large pieces. This is your chance to see how a professional turner from Lima, Peru does it all!
- Edward B. Pope, Woodturner
B., as his friends call him, turns in Kentucky. A visit to his website will show you examples of his talented work.
- Elegance in Wood
The website of Ralph Ramirez.
- Eli Avisera, Wood Art Master
Eli's segmented work is shown online. He is from Jerusalem, Isreal
- Ellsworth Studio
shows the work of Wendy and David Ellsworth.
- Escoulen Cr�ations
View the art work of Jean Francois & Monique Escoulen here.
- Excellence in Fine Woodturning - Robert J. Cutler
- Francis Morrin's Woodturning Homepage
- Galen Carpenter - Woodturner
- Gary Stevens - Lathe Turned, Sculpted Wood Vessels
A New Site with Absolutely Beautiful Work
- Gavin's Bowls
Gavin Sneed specializes in segmented bowls
- Gerv�sio S.
Gerv�sio S. is a Portugese woodturner who shows is many examples of his woodturnings online.
- Giving Wood a Second Chance
Decorative Wood Turnings by Dinyar Chavda
- Goodly Woods
Mugs, goblets, and other drinking vessels turned by Joe Victor and Brian Warner.
- Gordon Dunphy's The Enchanted Forest
- Gotes Hemsida
The website of G�te Gustavsson of Sweden.
- Graeme Priddle's Home Page
Graeme is from New Zealand; his work is a "must see"!
- Grant Marshall
Grant is an extraordinary woodturner from South Africa. His is a "must see" site.
- Greg's Woodturnings
Greg K. is a hobby turner from Syracuse, New York
- Gregg Smith Woodturner "Artistry in Wood"
- Gregory Moreton RPT (Woodturner)
- G.W. "Nick" Nichols
Nick shows examples of his "Wooden Pottery" online. - Hank Albro, Wood Turner
- Handcrafts by Hillard
Hillard Gerhardt shows some very nice examples of segmented turnings.
- Helge Hollund
is a woodturner living in Egersund, a small town at the southern west coast of Norway. Visit this very interesting website to see the work of a talented woodturner.
- Herm's Home Page - Herm de Vries
- Hodge Studios
is the website of Randy Hodge. Randy offers very fine turnings for sale on his website.
- Holger Graf Wood Turning
Holger shows examples of his woodturnings online.
- Holyland Pens of Jerusalem
sells handmade pens. They make beautiful gifts for all occasions, weddings, anniversaries, birthdays, confirmations, retirement, graduation, bar/bat mitzvahs etc.
- Icelandic Woodturning Page - Trausti Bergmann Oskarsson
- Inklings in Wood
Woodturner, Ben McLellan, creates artful expressions in wood.
- Jack de Vos - Fine Woodturner
Jack is an artistic woodturner who lives in Western Australia.
- James Barley ~ Woodturner
- James P Riser ~ Woodturner
- Jari Hokka -Woodturnings
Jari is a woodturner from Finland, specializing in the most beautiful and rarest wood in Finland - Curly Birch
- Jay W. Saxon's website Bowled Eagle
- Jeff's Gorgeous Turned Goblets
Jeff Rich shows his traditional goblets
- Joel's Woodturning
- Joe Millsap, The Oklahoma Woodturner
- John Berkeley - Woodturner, Tutor & Demonstrator
- J Kelly Dunn ~ Wood Lathe Artist
- John D. Williams - Wood Is Fun
John has examples of his wood turning along with hints and tips on his website.
- Jonathan Leech - Woodturner
Jonathan sell his work online.
- Julie Heryet - Woodturner
- Ken's shop: woodturning - Ken Grunke
- Kestrel Wood Turning Studio - Ben Carpenter, Jim Christiansen & Will Simpson
- Kevin's Woodturnings - Kevin Neelley
- Knot-Head: Turned Wood of Distinction
Chris Ramsey shows is turned hats online.
- Knots and Burls to Bowls
Functional art, one-of-a-kind creations, are turned by Don Thur from the most unique burls found in this legendary Ontario lakeland. Dating back to the beginning of habitation, and the tradition of the woodworking trade, these works have a museum-like quality, an art-gallery integrity, yet a functional capability for any appreciative household. The logs were recovered from river and lake bottoms. These are "Old Growth"; seedlings would have started as far back as 1603.
- Lace Bobbins by Mike Bester
- Logs to Art
Robin Bovey shows examples of his turnings on his blog. Robin is located and turns in Portugal.
- Lee Tree Woodworks
Lee Tannenbaum is woodturner and a supplier of high quality Australian burl woods.He is located in Florida, USA.
- Leslie Taylor Woodturner
Leslie share her projects on her Blogspot.
- Lowell Converse - Woodturnings
- Lyle Jamieson Woodturning
- Marcel van Berkel - Woodturner
- Marco Milli is an Italian woodturner who turns out some very nice work. Stop in an take a look around; you'll be glad that you did.
- Mario Cliche
Mario is a French Canadian woodturner from Quebec. His website is in French only. His gallery is worth seeing. You can use Google to translate if you are not fluent in French.
- Mark and Melvin Lindquist
- Mark Fitzsimmons - Woodturning
- Mark Hancock - Woodturner
- Maurice Clabaugh ~ Fine Turned
- Max Krimmel - Turned Alabaster
- Metal Spinning Workshop
The first home workshop & tutorial DVD available on the craft of metal spinning, with Terry Tynan.
- Michael Foster's "Breezy Hill Turning"
This is the other Micheal Foster, Dentist by Profession, but a turner of fine segmented and traditional pieces. This is a must see website.
- Michael Tracy Hofius - Chalice House Artist
Woodturning Artist since 1974
- Mike Kaplan
Mike is a woodturner from South Africa.
- Mike Mahoney - Bowl Maker
- MIK Exclusive Gifts International
Mike North sells his exclusive pens, jewellery and other turnings online.
- Monarch Woodturning - Roddy Moyes
- Moore Woodturning
shows the turnings of David Moore.
- More Woodturning Newsletter - Fred Holder
Fred has a great site filled with information and offers a great monthly Newsletter.
- MS Woodturning
Michael & Caroline Sinclair's Business produce many things from wooden handles for silver coffee scoops to wall hangings.
- M's Woodworking
Michael Hampel's woodturnings.
- MWorks Miniatures Studio
Mike McJunkin specializes in unique and original miniature woodturnings of the finest quality.
- Natural Turnings by Steve Helfant
Steve has been turning for about 10 years. His experience shows. Check his website out; you won't be disappointed.
- Neal Addy
Three Seasons Woodturnings
- Nick Cook Woodturner - Home Page
- NightWing of Melbourne, Australia
Ray Cologon shows his turnings online.
- Nirvana Wood
Niall Cahill is a woodturner from Dunboyne, Ireland
- Northwest Wood Art
is a co-op of three wood turning artists located in the Pacific Northwest of Washington State, Julian Lee, George Way and Art Learmonth
- OhBeWood
The original wood turnings of Patrick M. O'Brien, Alexandria, VA
- Oh My Woodness
Mike Vore's Personal, Woodworking & Woodturning Website.
- Oklahoma Wood Art - Tim Yoder
- �land CraftCreative Woodturning - Lissi �land
- Ornamental Turning - James E. Harris
- Out of Control Woodturning
Bob Prichard shows some of his work including a beautiful ash bowl, segmented bowls and segmented goblets.
- Owen Furniss on the Web
Owen's Irish Woodturning Site shows his diversified work on 4 Gallery Pages.
- Paul Hannaby - Creative woodturning
- Peter Bloch - Turned Wood Lampshades
Peter turns translucent lampshades from wood
- Peter's Platters - Peter Charles Fagg
- Phil Irons - you can now shop on-line
Or Contact at: Phil Irons Woodturning (VM-UK Ltd)
Unit 7 Grove Business Park
Atherstone on Stour
Stratford upon Avon
CV37 8DX Tel/Fax: 01789 459 262
- Pierre Lussier, Woodturner
Pierre is a woodturner of more than 20 Years that now makes his living from turning wood.
- Quiet Elegance Woodturning - David and Diane Schneider
- Randy Rhine Woodturning
- Reincarnated Trees
John Becker shows his mugs, goblets, bowls and plates.
- Renaud Pr�fontaine - Home Page
Miniature Gallery of many turned items ( 1 inch = 1 ft scale. )
- Revolutions - Dave Peebles
- Rex's Workshop - Rex Haslip
- Richard Kennedy's website "Bole"
Richard does incredible work. This is a must see site.
- Robbos big job - Ian Robertson
- Robert Bishop Robert shows his woodturnings online. This is a "Must see website".
- Robert W. Chatelain, Woodturner Robert shows online his one of a kind vessels turned from native Vermont woods with colored resins and gold leaf inlays. This is a must see site.
- Robin Wood
the only turner in England specializing in turning bowls and plates on a traditional foot-powered lathe.
- Roger Scott - Woodpops
Roger shows and offers his turnings for sale online.
- Rolly Munro
- Ron Kent
- Rune Hjelen Woodcarving Woodturning
- Russell G. Brown: Segmented Woodturner
- Russ Fairfield, Woodturner
Russ is a professional woodturner with many years of expirience. His site is a "must see"!
- Rustic Turnings
Joseph Quesada of Schuylkill Haven, PA, USA shows his beautiful turnings on line. Don't miss his Box Elder Page!
- Sally Hayes - Woodturner
- Sewelson Designs
All work presented on this site is the work of Maurice Sewelson, a self-taught woodturner and artist in wood. Maurice shows examples of his work and offers it for sale online.
- Seafoam Woodturning - Derek Andrews
- ShapeShifter Turning
by Joaz Hill, Stonington, Maine
- Simmonds Woodturning
A commercial site that produces architectual turnings including "Porch Posts, Kitchen and Island legs, and Custom Woodturnings".
- Soul of the Tree - Bob Fincher
- Speakeasy Pens
Very nice pens, pencils, key rings etc. are sold here.
- Spinning Maddly
The artistic website of Sin�ad Bomba and Andre
- Spinwood Turnery
the website of Colin Spain of England.
- Spun Wood
specializes in segmented wood turned products. The company is located in Wicklow County, Ireland.
- Steven Kennard - Woodturner, Furniture Maker and Restorer
Steven's New Website at his own Domain
- Steve Worchester ~ Woodturner
- Stuart Mortimer woodturner
- Stuart King
Artist craftsman, woodturner & photo journalist
- Svend Nielsen
Have a look at Svend's Sunday Woodturning Tools
- Teak Tocks
Lea sells her well turned items online. This very nice lady has many choices at very inexpensive prices.
- Terry Martin Wood Artist
This is a must visit website, Terry does very beautiful turned and carved art work.
- Terry Vaughan's Website - Turned Wooden Bowls
Terry shows and tells how to make tools to aid in woodturning and shows examples of his work online.
- The Dancing Horse Studio - Tony Caplin, Lampmaker
- The Debs' Woodturning
Two girls both named Deb doing some very nice turning on their new Powermatic 3520. Stop by and take a look at their website! They are doing nice work and enjoying every minute of it!
- The Gallery of Turned Wooden Vessels by Fred Wiman
Fred shows many one of a kind turnings in his numeous gallery pages. Need some inspiration? Here the place to look! 20 years of the artist's experience has taken him in a direction of his own!
- The Homepage of D. J. Ross
- The Ornamental Wood Turning Gallery of James E. Harris
- The Treen Shop - John Cobb
- The Wood Element - Jerry Kotz, Unique Woodturner Artist
- The WoodenSchu Homepage - Tim Schuback
- The Woodturners Kauri Gallery and Studio, New Zealand
Rick Taylor offers his turnings online.
- The Woodturners Resource
Bulletin Board, Galleries, Project Ideas/Plans, Yellow Pages & More.
- The Woodturner's Workshop - Brian Clifford
- The Woodturnings of George "Sonnie" Sharrar
- Tiger Lily Workshop - Pat and Dick Wexelblat
- Tommie's Wooden Bowls
- Trent Bosch - The Rescued Wood Bowl Company
- Turned Wood Artistry
is the website of Richard Erickson. He shows wonderful examples of segmented turning and offers pieces for sale here.
- Turning Point Woodworks
- Turnings by Andi Wolfe
Website of Steve Worcester
- Turn Two is a woodturning website proudly showing artistry of Michael Serpa and Denise DeRose of Alameda and Oakland, Caifornia respectively. They offer their turnings for sale online.
- Van Dijk Miniatures
- Victoria Woodturning is a commercial website that sells, spindles, furniture parts, candle sticks, table lamps etc.
- Vic Wood ~ Wood Turner
- Westwood Turnery
Chris West specializes in salt and pepper grinders and is happy to accept commissions.
- Wild Wood Gallery
You'll find great woodturnings by Robbie Graham and watercolor paintings by Sue Graham here.
- Wood Art 4 U
- WoodHat.com
The Website of JoHannes Michelsen
- Wood Pens and Turnings
Jason Fortin shows and sells his turnings online here.
- Woodsong Woodturning Gallery
Garry Bowes of Ottawa, Ontario, Canada shows his turnings online.
- Wood That Works - David C. Roy
- Woodturner's Resouce
From Message Boards and Event Calender to Woodturning Galleries, there is something for everyone.
- Woodturning by Barford
Most of you will know him as Bill Badland. 32 years of experience as a high school woodshop teacher is the background of this woodturner.
- Woodturning by Colin Delory
- Woodturning by Dixie Biggs
Many of Dixie's wonderful woodturnings are enhanced with a completely carved surface.
- Woodturning by Miroslav Lacko
Miroslav turns wood and pierces eggs in Slovakia. He shows examples his work online. He uses the "Fancy Wood Around Us".
- Woodturning by Stephen Imerese
A must see website showing creative segmented woodturning from Buffalo, NY USA
- Woodturning by Molly
Molly Winton shows her turnings online.
- WOODTURNING - Keith Jeeves
- Woodturning Learn
Alan Lacer's website
- Woodturning Online
There are lots of links, articles on woodturning, etc. There is something for every one!
- Woodturning Original Art Object by Francis Marie
- Woodturning Paul Porter
Paul turns beautiful hollow forms, bowls and more. You'll be amazed at the quality of his work.
- Woodturnings
John Kovacich gallery of a very nice sample of his various woodturnings of many different woods
- Wood Turnings by Darrell Feltmate
Darrell shows his woodturnings online along with tips for making your own tools on a limited budget.
- Woodturnings by Don Boles
Here is a website in memory of a recently departed woodturner and friend.
- Woodturnings by Edric Floence
- Woodturnings from the Lathe of Hamp Vaughn
This gentleman from Mississippi show his exceptional work online.
- Woodturning with David Springett
David's woodturning wizardry is mind boggling!
- Woodturning Workshops
Woodturning Training by Russ Zimmerman
- Woodworking Projects by Jay Keller
Jay shows examples of his woodturning and other woodworking projects here.
- YoYoSpin.com
Ed Davidson sells unique hand turned yo-yo's and spin tops online for very reasonable prices.